
July 4, 2020

Teach Children How to Code Instead of Buying Them a Phone

The generation now is growing up in an era where technology is everywhere. Other than in the 20th Century when having a phone was considered a […]
July 1, 2020

Play is a fundamental part of learning

Today’s world has made it less of a hustle to entertain children. The moment a child says he/she is bored; they are given the mobile phone […]
June 6, 2020

Scientific knowledge is cumulative

To learn new things, one must build on already existing knowledge. This implies that globally we need to be deliberate to help our children see the […]
June 4, 2020

5 Reasons Why Your Child Should Attend Our Science Camps

The children are out of school for 2 months. They need to keep their brains active and stimulated to reduce the regression that may occur during […]