Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Coding Club about?
Coding club is about literally teaching the computers how to do their work, not the other way around, and having fun while at it.
What do the children and teens learn learn?
We learn how a computer thinks, and also teach it how to do what we want
Why should children and teens learn how to code?
Because it makes life easier and some pretty cool stuff (like apps or a smart home) can be done through coding.
What are the hours of operation?
8.00am to 4.00pm
Do you offer transport?
If the child is within our locale(5km radius), transport can be arranged. Otherwise the child can be picked and dropped. (Uber could work pretty well)
Do we get a certificate?
Yes we do.. Yaay!
Modes of payment?
Mpesa Paybill NO: ACC NAME:Child's Full Name
What is the coding progression plan?
Generally we have 3 areas 1. Scratch (We literally start from scratch :) ) for those who have little or no knowledge of programming. Concepts of programming introduced 4 Levels: Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert. From scratch depending on the child's area of interest (Hardware or Software) we move to different programming languages. if (Hardware){ //Introduction to programming using C programming Language cProgramming(); //After a firm grasp of C //Programming microcontrollers with c //Making actual working projects embeddedProgrammingWithC(); } elif (software): #Introduction to programming using python programming Language :) pythonLanguage() #After a firm grasp, Start on #Software projects with real life application (automation, H/W interfacing or DATA)
At what age do they begin?
Kids from 7yrs old Onwards
Do we have to come to you or you can come to us?
Contact us for arrangements
Any prerequisites?
Prerequisites: Switching a computer on and off and a positive attitude :)
Do you offer snacks?
No we don't. We request parents to pack snacks for the children.